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Green Oaks Primary Academy


“Importance of technology is increasing every day, we must not deprive our children of technology, if we do then it's a social crime.” 

Narendra Modi 

Computing Lead: Mr D Leakey
Subject Intent:

Our curriculum is developed from the National Curriculum Computing Programme of Study and the National Centre for Computing Excellence (NCCE), and we use these resources to map our progression and ensure coverage of the three strands:

Computer Science

 Information Technology

 Digital Literacy. 

The Subject Leader works alongside teaching staff to develop skills confidence, offer inspiration and ideas on building learning journeys and ensure that the teaching of computing is of high-quality.  Wherever possible, cross-curricular links are made to other subject areas to deepen understanding.  Our high-quality Computing culture is ambitious for all pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to become a confident young person who is digitally literate and understands the principles of Computing.

Subject Implementation:

Computing is taught in every year group by the Class Teacher using the year groups Long Terms Plans. The plans have been developed by the Class Teacher with the support of the Subject Leader to ensure coverage of the computing and to build on previous knowledge ensuring progression through the school to ensure that is coherently planned and sequenced.

It is continuously reviewed and developed allowing for adaption to suit the diversity our pupils, so all pupils, including our SEND and those in vulnerable groups, from EYFS to Year 6 experience quality computing education.  Pupils have access to an environment that offers a range of technology equipment and programmes but also take part in unplugged activities to strengthen their understanding of Computing. 

Alongside the Computing curriculum, our pupils will also have many opportunities to use Information Technology in other subjects, in particular, the use of Microsoft Office to record their learning outcomes which will develop their fluency and usability of programmes used widely around the world.  Our pupils understand that Computing is more than the ability to access a device and that it is a science in which they are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.

Subject Impact:

By the time pupils leave Green Oaks, they will:

  • be confidently digitally literate
  • be able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. 
  • have a good understanding of Computing and the ways in which is it used in the modern world. 
  • be able to use Information Technology, appropriately and responsibly and will understand about online safety.


“Computing is important because it is good to have knowledge about computers because they are a modern-day thing and you must know about them and to stay safe, knowledge keeps us safe.” Year 6 pupil

“In Computing we have been learning about input processing output. I know a lot more about how computers work.” Year 3 pupil